Visual Studio extension enables you to share and manage your binary dependencies. This extension provides a way to publish your binaries in a repository in order to share them among your team. With the designer, you can easily view all the solution's dependencies. Managing the binary dependencies is a feature which is not integrated in Visual Studio. However, it's a real problem when doing team development.
The first problematic is to share binaries between projects. One solution is to create a shared folder and drop binaries into it, this binaries can then be referenced in your project. But this doesn't help as far as the following are concerned : versioning, notifications, updates from external teams and so on.
Another limitation is the impossibility, within Visual Studio, to create and manage contextual references. For example, if I am in a Test configuration, I want to use a mock objects library instead of the final implementation.
- Dependencies designer showing dependencies between all the projects in the current solution and other external libraries (based on the DSL Tools)
- Contextual references based on the solution configuration name and an usage (Compilation, Runtime, Publication)
- Generation of the InternalsVisibleTo attribute generation
- Binaries can be published in a repository as a unique compressed package (Open Packaging Convention (OPC) compliant file).
-Repository can manage multiple versions of the same package
- A package can contain visual studio outputs (exe, dll, config files...) or static libraries (assemblies from external frameworks)
- Click once manifest file is updated according to runtime dependencies.
- Repository can be accessed over http or file access.
- Binaries referenced in a model are automatically downloaded from the repository into a local folder.